"The greatest part," Ana says " is that nobody here can judge you. Everyone is supportive & encouraging."

Saturday, 14 August 2010

;) Its meeh again ! :D

Well hello there ! x :)
Weve become used to seeing each other hey?
Writing every night...I like it better than when I ignored my blog compeletely..

Well, you see today my brother woke me up in similar fashion, but I WAS up already *wink wink!* I just hid under my duvet with enough cushions to send him skittering on the floor begging for forgivness at being so loud... he walked into my room & went :
Oiii ! Wake up ya lazy thing ! Just get outta here 4 5 minutes & then come back and sleep if you wnat & while your at it...Go --- * Cushions are flying all over the place...*

His face was PRICELESS ! Litrally priceless, he later complained that they smelt of Boss & Ed Hardy Perfumes...& some make up too xD What a shame...he should have leearnt from today never to wake me up like he attempted to this morning ! x

Todays iftar menu was :
1. Samosa
2. Potato wedges
3. 1 Falafel
4. 3 dates
5. Soup
6. Juice & some arabic coffee thinggy xD

I guess its not as heavey as yesterday or as bad as the day before...the hunger pangs are starting to fly outta the window now ! x So YAYY for that (:

But I swear I suffer abuse from my little sister lol,
i dunno about her anymore...Im giving it a chance cause - you should well I should give her another chance, I mean she is only 8 years old & will probs take the piss of me so many times in the coming years but yeah, I ought to let her see some love from her sister...some hope perhaps? I want to be someone she looks upto & loves...someone she brags to her friends about someone her friends say : " ___________ your so lucky to have ________ as your older sister"

Wow, sorry about that ! xD
Love you guys & thanks for reading this nonsense...
Perfection xxx

Enough on my plate than I need? I feel so anyways...

Why is it somedays we give up hope so fast? So quick?
Within a blink of a shadow...hope is evaporated...why?
I dont know, we dont know; but sometimes we need that flicker of hope. Its a life saver at times... W\e a load of shit hey? x

Today, my mom sent my brother to wake me up. I was awake...i neednt noone to wake me up..I didnt need him to end that moment of peace...But he did. And boy was he in for shit...I screamed at him litrally screamd the house down..if we lived in a flat i swear we woulda been kicked outta the falt ! XD

I mean, who comes into someones rooom? Yelling : " LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaLaaaa ! Waakkeey WAAAAKKEEY Laazzy bumm ! No need to store the fat up any more !" And laughs like a fuckin messed up spoilt twat !

Bwaah, sorry about that ! x Needed to get it out... Now, iftar...fasting is not becoming too hard & all :) Guess by tomorrow I wont be feeling hungry or thirsty for that fact ! x
Todays menu for iftar for me was :

  1. 1 Samosa (meat...)
  2. 4 Potato wedges...
  3. 1 & 1\2 Falafel..
  4. Soup
  5. Fanta & some minty drink
  6. Dates
  7. Some Salad :)

Better than yesterday hey?

Well, Im sorry for the RAMBLE ! XD
<3 I hope your days been better than mine ! x

Ohh & hehe
Thank you for reading my blog ! :D
Love as always ! xx

Thursday, 12 August 2010

They called...(fml? probably...)

Hellooo ! xx

Yeah, they called...fml, Im not gunna spill my story for everyone, but i know some one, no about 3 people know my story. And they would know who the despised "they" are... Whatever... Not my point. Just hearing their voices pissed me of ! FUCKIN hell...Not that i feel better now... I feel weird> Ugh, how many times do you need to ask the same question>




threee timmes..

fourr tiimees..


Ok, i geuss it feels a tad better... I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel liiiiiiiiiiiike :
THEM ================================>

Ok. Heres What I had tonight...

  1. 2 Cups of fanta...
  2. One Small Meat Samosa..
  3. 2 Falafel..
  4. 4 Potatoa wedges or w\e they are called...
  5. 6 Bites Of A FUCKIN PIZZA !
  6. Some Shorba...I neeeeed warmth !
  7. Im havin a cuppa herbal tea right now & its so fuckin sour it hurts ! :(

I wanna die SO FUCKIN BADLY ! Someone just kill me ! :( I best not gain anyy weight by the end of Ramdan... I wanna lose :O Thats not likely tho I dont think....

Ickk ! Sorrry, enough of mee ! :(

I need to see the numbers on the list go DOWN! Not UP ! :)

Hope you all have\ had a better day than mee...

Oh yeah, and i went to see dad today, its like "they" have a fuckin cue on when to call me ! xD

You know what hurts > When your daddys brother dont even know your name...and what makes it worse> He KEEEPS tellin you to call you Nanna, cause " oh she loves you so FUCKIN much that she cant rememeber your name...."

Ohh boyy....

End of Rant\ Or whatever...

Love you guys forever ! xx


Wednesday, 11 August 2010

I should be dead if anything.... XD

Meeh, Helloo ! *waves at vacca rooom....*

Yeah, bitch mee out ! x Go on feel free to! :(
Lately Ive not been updating much, and oh trust me, Im puttin myyself outt IN THE OUT !
I wasnt busy fuckin researchin how to save peoples lives,
researchin a cure for cancer...
or busy in my genral life.

I was just too pissed to actually look at my blog...
too pissed to update... I dont know why I was pissed & all.... but can we leave that behind>
Start fresh>

Impossible to ask....Possible to achieve>

W\E Ive probs already bored you to DEATH ! & I mean DEATH....

Its Ramadan, today was day one. I feel Calm>
Oddly calm.... But anyways...
this is what I had & every night I will update with what Ive eaten...Hopefully everyday it will be less than before :)

Tonights menu :

  1. 1 cup fresh lemon juice
  2. 5 dates...
  3. Shorba...(Arabic style soup, but amazingly fulling & tasty....)
  4. 2 Falafels...
  5. Half a small chicken samosa
  6. Lots of water....

I feel odd, after fasting for so long having broke it like about 2-3 hours ago now...

Im sorry for never being herre & updatin, but life is full of drama no lifes just full of pure shit.... But PT is full of drama :) And the currnet status> is : Dont fuck with the memebers...they are cattier than you thought ! xx

For now ! xx *highfive*


Perfection xxx